This photo was taken at dusk, and I particularly like the way the water looks almost metallic. Lets have a look at some of the photos I’ve processed with these presets… (check the image captions to see the settings I chose) Kirk has been absolutely meticulous in creating these gorgeous presets, which I use to process my photos in as little as three clicks. They’re built for both Adobe Lightroom, and Adobe Camera Raw. I love using them, and recently he’s released some new B+W presets, which emulate the classic look of Ilford’s B+W film, including HP5, Pan F, and Delta 3200. Since December of last year I’ve been using the Mastin Labs presets made by my friend Kirk Mastin, which he sent to me in return for a favour. I’d lost the authentic film look that I crave… until now. So I sent my film cameras home, and I’ve been ‘lugging’ it out with my digital ever since. It’s hard to find anywhere that can process the film to a high standard, and then provide me with hi-res scans onto a memory stick. I’ve not shot on film all year because I’m traveling.

What I’m about to share with you wasn’t sent to me (I found it), but it is definitely something I feel you should know about.

I never share any of what gets sent my way, as it usually doesn’t fit in with the purpose of this website (or it’s just not very good). Usually an ebook, a Kickstarter, or an event of some sort. Almost every week, I receive an email from a photographer who’s trying to promote something new.